Pastry shop in Yambol

Our directory includes 3 Pastry shop in Yambol. We only list verified local companies. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Pastry shop in Yambol near you: addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the Bulgaria Places.

Сладкарница “Sistercake 2016” Ямбол

кв.Каргон, ul. Atanas Kratunov 5
+359 89 673 8692


ul. Yordan Yovkov 26
+359 46 620 026

Сладкото ателие на Криси

срещу Геомекс, от дясно на цветя Монро, Златен Рог 67
+359 88 265 4411

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